Sunday, April 10, 2011

With the impending arrival of the 2012 Honda Civic, now jam-packed with value features, luxury features and sporty features coupled with the slow decline of CSX sales in Canada, Acura may just be pulling the plug on its luxury Civic rebadge for 2012. 2011 looks to be the final year for the Acura CSX, a re-badged and re-finished Civic made to look like an Acura. Acura is looking to introduce a smaller sub-TSX sedan (which will be differentiated from the Civic) in the next couple of years in both Canada and the U.S. so look to that as the predecessor for the CSX. But for now, we'll bid adieu to a fond Canadian-only humble small compact luxury sedan that made waves when it was introduced as the 1.7 EL in 1997. Look for some great deals on leftover 2010s and leftover 2011s as the year progresses.


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