Monday, February 28, 2011
Brilliant, immediate unstoppable traction in mud, also known as good horse sense, and farmer magic
0 comments Posted by st at 8:41 PMNow this, in my opinion, is effing brilliant. It really no-shit works, and like nothing else possibly could to add traction that can't be stopped.
From http://thereifixedit.failblog.org
Labels: innovation, innovative, tractor
The website of "Stupid things people do to fix stuff" ThereiFixedit.failblog.com
0 comments Posted by st at 7:23 PM

Labels: humor, innovation, innovative, repair
Isn't this a cool idea? Instead of painting your van, just add this cover to the front, and make faces on it.
The US Interior Secretary and Director of the BLM toured the Imperial Sand Dunes at Glamis
0 comments Posted by st at 6:30 PM story here: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-sand-dunes-20110221,0,4494274.story but in a nutshell they came to relate that motorized recreation fits into the Obama administration's "America's Great Outdoors " conservation initiative rolled out last week that is heavy on land preservation.
Labels: informative, news
Sunday, February 27, 2011
The Mariner (600 units) in Barbados blue with panels trim of simulated bleached teakwood planking accented by narrow black horizontal stripes and a "nautical anchor" medallion. The interior featured anchors and stars decorating dark blue suede bolster panels of the seats, which also had white piping and broad horizontal pleated inserts of medium blue antelope grain vinyl and was sold along the coastal regions of the United States.

Designed to spur interest in all of AMC's products and to generate increased sales for the company, the special wagons were limited for sale to geographical areas.
Info from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMC_Rebel learned about it and got photos from
Labels: informative, Rambler, Rebel, Station Wagon
One cool little camper, privacy from the back, great view from the front
0 comments Posted by st at 6:55 PMLabels: camper, off roading, RV, trailer
above via http://goawaygarage.blogspot.com/
Above from http://steampunkvehicles.tumblr.com/
In the above the cow catcher is missing
http://www.neverwashaul.com/ to see and learn all about it
All three of these were from different sites, and I've posted two of them before, but never together. The middle one is new to me, and from http://megamoto.tumblr.com/
the guy in charge is Major Catastrophe, and is interviewed here about what it's about: http://etheremporium.pbworks.com/w/page/10454244/Neverwas-Haul

But get info about it from http://blog.hemmings.com/index.php/2011/02/23/the-fc-150-van-now-in-color/

Labels: mini
Shelby Comet. Never heard of that, have you? Did you hear of the Shelby Europa? 14 made
0 comments Posted by st at 2:23 PM

There are eight survivors, three of were in Sweden, then Norway, then to Finland.
Well, so was there a special European-Shelby prototype, GT250, a 1971 Mercury Comet that Claude supplied with a GT40 289 block and heads, that gave the car more than 350 horsepower. It was a couple of years as Claude's own daily driver before being resold.
I don't recall where I found this photo, for a bit about Burnelli aircraft: http://justacargal-s.blogspot.com/2011/02/burnelli-or-northrop-flying-wing.html
Labels: airplane, Transporter

If you have a car shipped, I recommend inspecting the cargo container before they lock it closed and send it off
0 comments Posted by st at 12:52 PM If you look closely, you'll the see above photo has 2 pieces of lumbar stacked on top of each other , both sides of the container, from the front to the back. Doesn't look safe to me.

Marten (http://svammelsurium.blogg.se/) tells me
Since the customs about a year ago raised their costs excessively for goods from the US, people shipped cars via the Netherlands and paid only 6% fees, but now they raised the fees to 20%, so what is done now is to take the cars to France which has a regular fee of ony 5% on the custom value. The reason for taking a midway landing is that when the car is brought here its suddenly a European car, and then taken into Sweden with no charges at all!
Labels: informative
Called a type 56 Bugatti, if the translator program on Google hasn't mangled it, and it was an electric buggy.
found on: http://svammelsurium.blogg.se/2010/june/en-dag-i-illinois-1964.html
Labels: Bugatti, electric car
1922 touring body by Smith & Waddington in Sydney, Australia ... real unusual, it's called a charabanc
0 comments Posted by st at 9:49 AM
But this body type is called a Charabanc, the same name is also used for buses with open bodywork that was common at this time. This White charabanc had room for 15 people and had been ordered by Mr Day. He used it for New South Wales Tourist Bureau excursions and adventures in the wild Australia.
found on http://svammelsurium.blogg.se/2010/october/fyrfaldigt.html
bridging the eras of horse drawn carriages and the first engine driven vehicles
0 comments Posted by st at 8:46 AM

Found on http://svammelsurium.blogg.se/2011/february/thruppmaberly.html
Labels: carrozzeria, coach builders, horse carriage