Thursday, December 24, 2009

Alrighty. here's some men. I'll admit -- most guys are just "MEH" to me because I find women more insteresting, but these are the ones that stand out; both in my liking and my "I-don't-get-it".


Gotta thank Louie at for all his pictures and dedication to preserving the memory of the WONDERFUL EL BRENDEL. He was a RIOT in Just Imagine (my fave movie ever!) and I just love him so, so much! Bad vaudeville jokes and acts done in a fake Swedish accent? YES, PLEASE!

Edward Everett Horton and Hugh Herbert have BOTH won my heart. BOTH hilarious. I don't care if they play the same character over and over -- if it works keep with it!

So what if he was just a wooden pretty-boy. I've spent many a late night watching and being comforted by Robert Taylor!

Allen Jenkins is the working-class, Depression-era, slang-talkin', Brooklyn-accented 1930s stereotype and I love every performance he's ever done. He was just as good being a dope as he was being a sailor or a slimEball. Versatile and cute!

If you think Clara Bow is good in silents, I would have to say that William Haines is her male equivalent (or however it's spelled). He was really full of energy, funny, cute, very expressive, and just AMAZING. He was good in talkies, too.

He's just a likeable guy! I like everything I've seen him in.

My husband says it best: "Warren William is bad-ass!" He's the best pre-code sleazoid you'll ever see! He's great when sexually harrassing the gals or wanting to bang a frigid Ann Dvorak. "Peabody, you're disgusting!" (extra points if you know what movie that is from!)

I always thought Mischa Auer looked a bit like Warren William! But that's not why I like him. I just like my off-the-wall character guys that get pushed aside for the "handsome leading man." And he's in Just Imagine!! :)

I love Rudy so much. He's the early 1920s personified. He's such a great historical figure and, believe it or not, I think he was better at comedy than high drama. To think what he may have done if Natasha hadn't mingled....

"Men! Marching!" Effing love Ned Sparks and his voice.

Oh, I just love! I LOVE Broadminded (1931).

OH, Karl Dane! My poor, poor baby! This is a guy I feel REALLY sorry for him. He captured my heart the first I heard of him and it has stayed captured! And I find him attractive and he was just such a great silent comedian. Thankfully, he was the comedy relief in many well-remembered, excellent movies!

Probably one of the best actors who ever lived. Really. He could do it all from elegant slimeball, to scary monster, to deranged lunatic. And I'm sicked by the fact that I haven't visited his grave yet, even though I live 10 minutes from Mt. Vernon Cemetery :(

Hehe! I can't deny Harold's immense talent! He was a bit of a prick in real life, though :( Still, his films are some of the best silent comedies ever made.

Guy Kibbee! All I have to do is LOOK at him and I begin to giggle!

I do love my funny Frank McHugh, but every now and again he would throw you a curveball and play a serious role. So talented! Love my Warner's guys.

I will always love Dick Powell with all my heart! I love ALL his heartwarming 1930s movies -- yea, I prefer crooner Dick Powell. He is a mainstay in my iPod and I get excited when his song comes on. My fave Dick movie is probably Happiness Ahead (1934).

My favourite of the "Big Three." This guy was no joke! NO JOKE! His stunts are AMAZING! No "blue screen" for this guy. Nope. Makes actors today look like pussies.

And now, these are the guys I just never "got":

Sorry, Miss Haze :( You know I'm not a big fan of your dead lover. I just don't find him attractive at all and as far as his acting goes, I call him "The Male Kate Hepburn." :/ But then again, I think Karl Dane is hot so I'm twisted anyway...

I've been told off for not liking Chaplin by loser crybabies on LJ. Whatever! I'll admit he was awesome in the 1910s. When he got the ego in the 1920s and made all those "movies" -- that's when I lose interest. And I've seen them ALL! The Gold Rush is the most overrated movie of all time! Harold Lloyd's movies are better.

Freddie, Freddie, Freddie! Meh. I used to hate him rabidly because he made Ginger cry and he was ALL EGO! But I'll admit I like his singing and he's in my iPod. I wouldn't NOT watch a movie if he was in it. I just think he might need a punch in the face to get knocked down a peg :/

Never "got" Jimmy Stewart :/

I just don't like Spencer Tracy very much :/ I think he might be too "rugged" and "manly" or something. I either like my men either funny/silly or elegantly pretty. I dunno. I do know I avoid Mr. Tracy's films :(

I can't stand him. At all :( I find him creepy. And I think he's hideous.

The rules are the same as always -- no telling me or anyone else off, no stating the obvious (like Billy Haines was gay -- NO RLY!), or getting all hurty and crying because I don't like your favourite. Go do that on LJ! You can disagree all you want, though. Just keep it real. Humourous, if possible. Thanks :)


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